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from 07.11.2016 16:24
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CAV code 07100000-0 - Кредити Юридичних осіб
The initial sale price of the lot is
158`231.31 uah
TenderID UA-EA-2016-11-07-000051
Trades are unsuccessful
from 07.11.2016 13:31
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права вимоги за кредитним договором КЛ-159/1-980

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CAV code 07100000-0 - Кредити Юридичних осіб
The initial sale price of the lot is
85`731.04 uah
TenderID UA-EA-2016-11-07-000022
Lot number in DGF Q3900832124b41
Trades are unsuccessful
from 04.11.2016 11:16
1 questions
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CAV code 07100000-0 - Кредити Юридичних осіб
The initial sale price of the lot is
6`920`626.84 uah
TenderID UA-EA-2016-11-04-000001
Trades are canceled
from 03.11.2016 16:47
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АТ "Дельта Банк" offers


в перше
CAV code 07200000-1 - Кредити Фізичних осіб
The initial sale price of the lot is
7`886`381.90 uah
TenderID UA-EA-2016-11-03-000009
Trades are canceled
from 02.11.2016 16:08
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Право вимоги за кредитним договором № 05.1-240ю/2014/2-1 від 27.10.2014 р.

Перші торги
CAV code 07100000-0 - Кредити Юридичних осіб
The initial sale price of the lot is
3`637`009.64 uah
TenderID UA-EA-2016-11-02-000061
Lot number in DGF Q3639195733b35
Trades are unsuccessful
from 01.11.2016 13:28
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АТ "Дельта Банк" offers

Номер Лоту в ФГВ: Q4038192926b159

CAV code 07200000-1 - Кредити Фізичних осіб
The initial sale price of the lot is
7`886`381.90 uah
TenderID UA-EA-2016-11-01-000015
Lot number in DGF Q4038192926b159
Trades are canceled